Ahhhh...to be a teenager again!

Sarah safetly arrived to the ripe old age of nineteen. The day was filled with angst, trepidation and then joy.
She passed her drivers license renewal so she's good for another five years. I was worried that if she didn't pass it would ruin her birthday but she flew through it with flying colors so it was a 'weehaw' moment.
As she blew out the candle there was that moment of perfectness, my mind racing back to lying on the hospital bed trying to shove her out into the world. It took days but she even

tually spewed forth into the world squeeling and wiggling.
We spoke about her birth a little and she said she didn't want to come out, that it was a safe and warm place there inside my belly. Perhaps she was right because life for her has not always been safe and warm.
But like everything else...it all worked out.
She treaded water and nearly drowned but eventually she learned to swim...
She walked over hot coals and sometimes got burned but eventually she learned to run...
She found a dark place and got lost there for awhile but eventually found the sunshine...
I am grateful the long hard journey has led her home nearly unscathed and wiser in so many ways.
She is the love of my life, my pride and joy...and now my dearest friend...
For her birthday I wish her love, success, joy and a full heart!