Good Morning L.A...

It seems that no matter what I do to upload some images they continue to scan as illustrations. Guess I'm too artsy fartsy for my scanner to recognize a photo when it see's one.
As like every day, I rise long before the sun rise, hoping the quietness will inspire and transform me into the creative genious I am (LOL).
If this shot would have scanned correctly you would have been able to see how beautifully pink the sky was around 6 a.m. but, instead it is purple. Illustration purple. Although it's fairly cool looking you will never see the beauty I experience each and every morning as I watch this phenonena unfold outside the windows of my office.
I have seen almost every sunrise for the past decade. Of course the same can't be said for the sunset because by then the chance that I've had to take a nap just to catch up with my sleep is very possible.
I don't care though because the morning is when everything starts. The quietness that settles around me during that time allows me slowly move towards the time when everyone finally wakes up and the chaos begins. It's usually very loud in my house so I cherish every one of the awakened early hours...