Owner Will Trade Ferrari For House
Following the lead of another young man who traded a paper clip for a house, one Southern California resident, is hoping to trade a bright yellow Ferrari for a house, which in turn will be sold to raise funds for the ASPCA.
So far he has been offered a trash compactor, valued at approximately $100, in trade for the car but is waiting to see if someone out there has a better offer.
You can visit his website and keep track of how he is doing by clicking on the above link, 'bright yellow Ferrari' highlighted in blue or use the link in the sidebar *yellow toy trade*.
In breaking from tradition this post is in fact completely true! EGads!!! However, I would like to help this young man get this effort off the ground so spread it around to as many people as possible.
PS: If anyone wants to trade me a face life, lifetime gray hair removal, liposuction or become my lifetime personal trainer in trade for a previously loved nail file--feel free to respond to this post.
So far he has been offered a trash compactor, valued at approximately $100, in trade for the car but is waiting to see if someone out there has a better offer.
You can visit his website and keep track of how he is doing by clicking on the above link, 'bright yellow Ferrari' highlighted in blue or use the link in the sidebar *yellow toy trade*.
In breaking from tradition this post is in fact completely true! EGads!!! However, I would like to help this young man get this effort off the ground so spread it around to as many people as possible.
PS: If anyone wants to trade me a face life, lifetime gray hair removal, liposuction or become my lifetime personal trainer in trade for a previously loved nail file--feel free to respond to this post.
Your more ambitious than me. I'm trying to trade an old, dry ball point pen for the money to pay off my car loan. Still no takers . . .
What an ingrate. How's he gonna pass up the trash compactor?
Its a fair deal. Take it.
Hey, another good story. I have rubber band ball I'm trying to trade for a '57 T-Bird....
Is the link of my page for yours wrong? It seems to go to your page, but I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong. Let me know if it's not working properly. Thanks again.
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