THE "NOT-SO" NEWS/JBLA: Lions and tigers and...pumpkins...OH MY!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Lions and tigers and...pumpkins...OH MY!

It's not hard to see that I'm watching you, waiting for an opportunity to do something so, well, something so evil it would make you pass from fright.

You don't even suspect that that warm rush of air on you leg as you pass by is passed from my soul out into the daylight.

I watch as you carry away my brothers and sisters one by one and I know their fate. I have sat gutted like this for years, watching and growing weary of our demise.

You say it's tradition to gut the orb then light a flame inside to assure everyone of it's untimely end.

Oh traditions to hell! Leave us to our patch, let us be free!

What the hell, who turned on the light's? I can't scare anyone with the day light's on, get out. You make me look like some kind of crazy mainiac. Don't you photographers know anything. There is a time and a place to use a flash and this is not one of them.

Oh, now I see, it's the damn Holga lady. She hasn't a clue what the hell she's doing. Maybe if I just smile she'll go away.

She's not leaving, oh wait, I think she realizes that she's about to waste another polaroid. Breath.

She's getting up, I feel the darkness return. Oh thank god for stupid photographers. It doesn't take them all that long to realize they are powerless to produce a perfect likeness of my soul!

See ya later lady...and take that damn camera with you!

Ha, I say.


Blogger ISOSOS said...

It looks like you scrared the pumpkin.. not the other way around.. hey .. Holga's a crap shoot... get it? I got some today, crap that is. Happy to see were're neck and neck.. missery loves company, and polaroid must love us both a lot now. Remind me to take some stock out when the maket opens on Monday. I should at least get something for my "investment?" At the rate we're going, we'll be homeless by next year!
Love ya.
Oh ya.. I'm gonna find something OUT OF SIGHT tomorrow, so look out. Better get crackin girl!

7:20 PM  
Blogger ISOSOS said...

Catch me if you can JB.... sitting on your .... again are you? You better put pen down and get busy! Tomorrow will be another day to kick ass!
Love Ya!!!!

9:14 PM  

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