THE "NOT-SO" NEWS/JBLA: Canadian Government Safegaurds Elk Along Highways

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Canadian Government Safegaurds Elk Along Highways

In an effort to protect one of Canada's largest herd populations, transit authorities have invested millions of tax dollars to build a bridge that offer the great elk's safe passage across some of the most trecherous roads in Canada.

"We realized that so many of these helpless animals were being killed senselessly by automobiles who travel these high speed highways everyday," said one authority. "We've also seen a sharp rise in health care costs for people who are injured when they hit one of these large animals."

The seperate roadways are open 10 months of the year and closed for two during hunting season.

"We feel this is very sportsman like protecting them until we can polish up our rifles and shoot the hell out of them."


Blogger Sarge Charlie said...

Help me out here, who the hell will be there to tell the elk to go under the bridge and why is health care a problem, it's free up there.......

10:52 AM  
Blogger Pawlie Kokonuts said...

I guess the lard elks those who elk themselves, eh?

7:05 PM  
Blogger jbwritergirl said...

The health care system in Canada does not cover a lot of things so many people end up paying for extra policies anyway. As for the Elk...I think after they hear the first shot they'll figure out how to run for cover.

Yes Pawlie, the Lard works in mysterious ways. LOL

2:42 PM  
Blogger Andrew McAllister said...

I'm a Canuck, so I'll stick my two-cents in.

It's free, unless you consider they take 50 cents in taxes off every dollar I make to pay for it ... and then make people wait 4 to 8 months to get basic tests done that other countries routinely get done the same day.

Oh, sorry, did that sound like a grumble?

As for the elk crossing, here is a true story. Our main problem animals here in New Brunswick are deer and moose wandering onto the highway. Hit a moose at 60 mph and the moose dies, but so do you. These are huge animals. Many stretches of our highways are fenced on both sides. In one place that isn't, there is a spot where deer cross frequently, so the government put up a sign saying this was a deer crossing. One concerned citizen wrote in asking for the sign to be moved to a different spot, because the deer were getting hurt trying to cross where that sign was placed.

5:14 PM  
Blogger Bud Fisher said...

This is very funny stuff.

12:59 PM  

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